I will be blogging about health a lot! I just started working out full time ( when I mean full time I mean 2 hours a day 6 days a week) I've always been somewhat active, I like hikes, bike riding, love walking everywhere but as I got older, ate the same way I did when I was 20 and sitting 10 to 12 hours editing images I really felt like crap! I wouldn't eat horrible, but if there was pizza, cookies, popcorn in the house it did magically end up in my mouth ( how I have no idea!) I use to be 125 now I was 145 and felt it. This past summer was the last summer with my youngest. He's now a freshman in college. We decided to make a week of biking, whitewater -rafting, hiking, and all that fun stuff before we dropped him off ( that was hard and will be another post!) As we were biking I was having a hell of a time keeping up, I mean like really keeping up. I had to constantly stop. ( The pouring rain and 40-degree weather did have a little to do with that) I was out of breath and tired so quickly...definitely a wake-up for me. We dropped My son off and during the next few weeks of adjusting to being an empty-nester, I decided I was just going to do it. I had no excuses anymore. All kids are gone and I can now make the time. When I decide on something I usually go full force with the decision. I'm now 132 ( it does fluctuate) I still have places I need improvements but I am seeing results. It is true that once you really commit to exercising you get addicted. I am to the point now I really make time out of my day to go, No matter if I am tired or not, even if I'm not "feeling it" I go to the gym and am always glad I did when I'm done.

The thing about health and eating is that so many people eat horrible and don't exercise. Society has no room for it. We are supposed to work out but when? If you asked me a few years ago "Hey you should work out more" I'd laugh. Really, when? Some magical place in between working, cooking, cleaning, volunteering, carpooling? Go back a few more years and I would be glad just to pee by my self! There were so many factors that got in the way of taking care of me better, but really and truly those factors were what I learned, a lot of those factors were me and priorities. I wasn't a priority, and you really need to be. You can not take care of others if you don't start with your self.
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